April 4, 2011

Blog 6: Grignard Reagent

"SYNTHESIS OF ELECTRON-DEFICIENT SECONDARY PHOSPHINE OXIDES AND SECONDARY PHOSPHINES: BIS[3,5-BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PHENYL]PHOSPHINE OXIDE and BIS[3,5-BIS(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PHENYL]PHOSPHINE," was the title of the article from http://orgsyn.org. The above synthesis undergoes a Grignard reaction. A Grignard reaction is an organometallic chemical reaction in which alkyl- or aryl-magnesium halides (Grignard reagents) act as nucleophiles and attack electrophilic carbon atoms that are present within polar bonds to yield a carbon-carbon bond, thus altering hybridization about the reaction center.1 In this reaction, the Grignard reaction occurs in step 1 with i-PrMgCl / THF reacting with the substituent Br on the benzene ring to synthesize MgBr. Then, it reacted with (EtO)2 POH/ THF in step 2 to synthesize a POH bond where the substituent MgBr was and connected to an  additional benzene ring with the same substituents, thus forming 5 new C-C bonds and 3 new C=C bonds (highlighted above). In step 3, the compound reacts with DIBAL-H and MTBE/cyclohexane to eliminate the double bonded oxygen from the P bond.


1 comment:

  1. All I can say is short and sweet. Jesslyn you have all the information and did it with out losing my attention, which can happen pretty quickly...While I feel like the title of the article is not completely necessary, I'm glad you have it there in case I go and look for it later on. You put a lot of emphasis on the reactions that took place but you probably could have put more emphasis on the grignard reaction than what you did and a little bit more on the final product mainly because I dont have a clue what is formed other than the picture provided, which is sufficient but not exceeding expectations which is what I am looking for. All in all though, YOU DID GREAT!!! Good short and decscriptive article.
