February 10, 2011

Test 1

While taking the exam on Friday, I was shocked to see that we had to draw out spectrums. It was something that we hadn't practiced and during one of the first lab meetings, it was said that we wouldn't have to know how to draw them, but we would need to know how to read them. When studying, I expected that I needed to know and understand the nitrogen rule, reading and interpreting mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy,  1H NMR, and 13C NMR graphs. I studied primarily Ch. 14 more than Ch. 13 and I should have went over Ch. 13 more before the test. For next test, I plan to study differently. I thought there would be more Sapling problems such as #4 where the m/z was determined for two isomers and#6 labeling unknowns based on their IR absorptions.

1 comment:

  1. I was also suprised that we had to draw the spectrums! I studied the same things you did, however I focused more on Ch. 13. It's interesting to see how different people prepare for the exam. I guess we'll all need to study more "evenly" next time! I also thought there would be more problems like sapling.
    I thought your blog this week really covered the criteria asked of us and look forward to keeping up with you : )
